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Das Haus – 1984

You can see a graphic in black and yellow with the words Film Restored.

Fri 23.09.

THE HOUSE was commissioned by the former East German state documentary division, which produced archival films to document everyday life in the country. Director Heise had to break off his film studies at Potsdam-Babelsberg after his film Why Make a Movie About People Like Them? (1980) ran afoul of the East German authorities. With THE HOUSE, Heise had the opportunity to realize uncensored his tack of allowing his subjects to speak freely, and capturing even non-conformist utterings. Shot with minimal equipment and with no narration, the discussions sometimes reveal harsh societal grievances.

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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut